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Review article on cover ChemSocRev

The 21st June edition of the highly-ranked journal Chemical Society Reviews features the review paper of Verboekend et al. on its front cover. The paper entitled “Synthesis, characterisation, and catalytic evaluation of hierarchical faujasite zeolites: milestones, challenges, and future directions” is a joined effort of the ETH Zurich (Switzerland) and K.U. …

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Review Mixing Day 2016 in Bulk Magazine

In its May 2016 edition, number 3, the Dutch magazine “BULK Solids Processing & Handling” features an extensive review of the Mixing Day 2016, organized by Delft Solids Solutions in Nootdorp, The Netherlands, on April 5th 2016. The image below links you to the on-line edition of the respective article …

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Announcement Mixing Day 2016

Seminar on mixing and segregation of solids and powders During this 1-day meeting we gather parties that are active in the area of mixing of solids and powders. The day will be held in English and during the morning session lectures will be delivered by different companies:Hosokawa and Lindor have confirmed their presence …

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Course Powders and Granules 2015

Course Powders & Granules – Physical Properties and Behaviour The course Powders & Granules will be organized on November 5-6, 2015 at our premises in Wateringen. In this 2-days course topics like granulation, powder flow behaviour, sampling, wear and attrition of particles, mixing en segregation, design of silos and hoppers …

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Seminar on mixing and demixing of solids and powders

During this 1-day meeting we bring together parties in the field of solid state mixing. The language is Dutch and lectures are given by leading parties in this field. Think of Hosokawa and Lindor as well-known suppliers of various types of mixers as well as parties working in the field …

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New Research Flyer Delft Solids Solutions

New flyer research possibilities We have recently renewed our research flyer. A pdf version of this flyer can be downloaded via this link .

Article overview dustiness investigations

This article has recently been published and it provides a general overview of airborne dust particles, their hazards and approaches to measure, quality, and quantify airborne dust particles. The article also includes the recent development at Delft Solids Solutions related to the so-called “Continuous Drop” methodology for respirable and inhalable …

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Open house on May 15, 2014 (Dutch)

Delft Solids Solutions organizes an open day in its new building in Wateringen. On the 15th of May you can drop by at the Molenweer 2 B in Wateringen from 13:30 onwards. There will be a poster seminar in which we explain our activities in a transparent way and you …

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Company profile of Delft Solids Solutions in magazine Bulk

In its February 2014 edition, number 1, the Dutch magazine “BULK Solids Processing Handling” features an extensive description of Delft Solids Solutions’ new facilities and ongoing case studies. The image below links you to the on-line edition of the respective article (in Dutch). Enjoy reading!

New location and Field Testing Area

Delft Solids Solutions has recently moved to a new location in Wateringen. Beside new offices and a new laboratory space, divided over three different labs with a total area of 250 m2, we now also possess a so-called Field Testing Area. This latter facility has an area of 200 m2 and …

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