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Validated supplier of nano particle characterization

With great pleasure we can inform you that since February 17th, 2013, the laboratory of Delft Solids Solutions has been approved as validated supplier of nano particle characterization by the “Joint Research Centre” of the European Community. Especially in view of the more stringent regulations on the registration of nanomaterials and the possible presence …

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Dustiness: Heubach -Stauber-Heubach – EN 15051

Various methods for assessment of dustiness potential Delft Solids Solutions now offers a variety of instruments and methods to investigate the dustiness potential of (powdered) solids. The Heubach method quantifies the total suspended dust content. This method is practised in accordance with the German DIN 55992 standard and the total dust is typically expressed in mg/kg (ppm). …

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Lecture at Shell Hysomer Symposium

On February 16, 2012, Dr. Johan Groen will give a lecture at the Shell Hysomer symposium in Amsterdam. This talk will cover the latest developments and technologies of mesoporous zeolites and their role in catalysis. These hierarchically structured materials are very effective in reducing transport problems in the zeolite crystals …

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IUPAC technical report on the characterization of porous materials

A close collaboration of 4 years of Delft Solids Solutions wth leading scientists in an IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) framework has led to an in-depth article on the characterizaton of macroporous solids. In this paper, various techniques that are potential alternatives for mercury intrusion porosimetry are being reviewed. The paper has just been published in Pure …

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Two new scientific research papers published on desilication

Close cooperation with two leading research institutes in Europe has led to two new research contributions in scientific journals. The first paper describes the full compositional flexibility of the desilication post-treatment leading to combined micro- and mesoporous zeolites over the full range of Si/Al ratios. This confirms the universality of …

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Segregation testing

Considerable efforts are often devoted to the mixing of several different species of powders (of various sizes, shapes and densities) in order to have a homogeneous mixture of the intermediate or final product. Nevertheless, a well-mixed system may segregate during handling, e.g. when discharging into a bin or big-bag, transportation in a truck or …

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Book chapter on demetallation of zeolites

The close cooperation between Delft Solids Solutions and the Catalysis Engineering group of Professor Javier Perez-Ramirez at the ETH in Zurich has resulted in a book chapter in “Novel Concepts in Catalysis and Chemical Reactors”, a book that appeared on the market recently and is publised by Wiley. The book chapter entitled “Hierarchical Porous Zeolites by Demetallation” discusses the various …

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Hosokawa Powder Processing Experience

The Hosokawa Powder Processing Experience is a unique opportunity to combine powder processing theory with practice!The event is organized at the Hosokawa Micron facilities in Doetinchem, The Netherlands. Besides finding out what goes on behind the scenes at Hosokawa Micron, you can also discuss your problems and needs in the field of bulk …

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Meeting Nederlandse Werkgroep Deeltjeskarakterisering

During this one-day event, which will be held at Unilever Research & Development in Vlaardingen at November 10th, 2010, various physical aspects of particle characterization will be discussed. Lectures on surface phenomena and theology are scheduled by national speakers and speakers from abroad. Dr. Johan Groen of Delft Solids Solutions will present an introductory talk on the …

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Exhibitions 2010

Delft Solids Solutions will attend the following exhibitions in 2010: Powtech 2010, 27-29 April 2010, Nurnberg, Germany.